Hello! My name is Chloe and I am part of your admin support team at Brisbane Family Law Centre.
I feel incredibly lucky to have landed a coveted role at BFLC. It has come as a very welcome change at a point in my life when I was ready to move my career in a new direction. My hope was to move into a professional space where I could make a positive difference in the world, and boy have I found it here!
I bring with me experience in Floristry, Design and Retail management and it’s amazing just how many of my skills are becoming useful in Family Law Land.
On a weekend you’ll find me pottering around my house and garden with Brutus the cheeky black cat and seeking out new dining experiences to enjoy with my partner.
If I wasn’t in law, I would be… a Teacher
If I could have any super power it would be… teleportation.
The worst misspelling of my name I’ve ever seen was… “Clowey”, in a year 2 Christmas card. I remember it to this day.
People describe me as… direct! funny, loyal and punctual.
I would love to have dinner with… Joanna Lumley