To say Clarissa is an amazing “lawyering woman” is simply an understatement. Her passion, determination, expertise, compassion & humour steered us to the finish line in a very protracted & complicated matter with a result I deserve and am satisfied with. Her vision, generosity of spirit & enthusiasm for me as a client & her role in my matter was inspiring & reassuring during the most difficult and darkest time in my life to date. I am eternally grateful she took on my case at a time when I had lost faith in the collaborative process after two false starts with other Lawyers who weren’t the right fit.
Collaboration is definitely not “taking the easy way out” as evidenced by the many complicating factors that led us to the point of no return in our long marriage. It is the best option for the right people; those who really do want to attempt to divorce with their dignity intact, maintain their values and integrity and can manage to communicate despite the obvious difficulties a marriage breakdown brings to your life. At times, the sadness and tragedy of the broken relationship was lost in the money talk which practically speaking, in the end is what the negotiations focused on.
Lawyers are like a new pair of shoes. You need to try them on & see if the style is truly yours & the fit is comfortable and works for you. If not, you are entitled to change your mind. Clarissa Rayward was a perfect fit for me as a person & my case. It was still a roller coaster ride I would much rather not have boarded, but it was my unavoidable destiny. A new chapter now begins…..
“There are far better things ahead than what we leave behind” C. S. Lewis