Where to from here? The eBook

Bflc Knowledge Hub Resource

Where to from here? – An overview of the legal matters resulting from your separation or divorce and deliver you information to keep you on the right track

If you are experiencing separation or divorce, chances are you don’t know where to start in terms of understanding what can be a complicated and confusing legal process.  Our legal guide, “Where to from here?” will give you an overview of the legal issues to consider during your separation and provides you with practical information on what steps you and your former partner should take to reach a resolution.  

Useful information about the legal process, settlement options and an outline of the legal principles relating to your children and your financial matters are included. The ‘Where to from here guide’ is based on the Australian Family Law System. If you are in the throes of separation or divorce we encourage you to purchase this helpful legal guide to keep you on the right path.



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