I will forever be indebted to Clarissa Rayward and the Brisbane Family Law Centre team for securing the legal safety, distentanglement, and divorce from a person who committed a heinous crime against me and my two children.
I first met Clarissa in late October 2014. Clarissa listened to my visceral story of horrific domestic violence with compassion and a beautifully sensitive and perfectly practical response to pave a way forward. From that moment Clarissa protected me and my children through the securing of sole parental responsibility for my two children, the property orders, and finally the divorce in early October 2016.
I can appreciate that my circumstances are rare, but it is evident to me that the collaborative family law approach of Clarissa and the BFLC works in all divorce situations.
Clarissa is truly phenomenal in her expertise to negotiate with empathy while achieving the best possible outcomes.
The most accurate way I could describe Clarissa is a guardian angel for the modern world.