Hiya! My name is Kristina. I’m a Mother, partner, ex wife, disco dancer and long term lover of all things BFLC. I worked for many years in hospitality and retail roles before I had my little one and re entered the workforce unsure of what I would find. Turns out this is where it would lead me and boy, am I grateful to be here. I guess you could say I’m an All-Rounder, supporting our team in lots of different ways, answering your calls, emails, and one of the faces you’ll see at reception too.
I had my first encounter with BFLC six years ago when Clarissa and some of the team were regulars for coffee and a lunch. Little did I know they were some knights in glittery and Gorman armour coming to my rescue. I had experienced domestic violence and needed some advice on how to pursue a separation and divorce proceedings. They were calm, confident, and so supportive of me. Now I’m on the other side of it all and it is an honour to be a part of their team, being a support to those who call, email and appear in person. Life can be tough but sometimes a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on are the things that can also put a little smile on your face and help you get back up again.
BFLC is all about… bringing sunshine to a not so sunny day.
If I wasn’t in law, I would be… working in the birth space.
If I could have any super power I would… Redirect peoples anger with dance moves.
The worst misspelling of my name I’ve ever seen was… Krystyna, by my cousin.. so disappointed.
My role model/hero is… my little girl. She is constantly reminding me to stay present, find joy in the small things and rely on those close to me for support.